DTV Стабильные игровые серверы
Ark Survival Evolved, Ascended и другое
Winter sale 30 per cent on everything in the shop is ON until 1.03.25 Also feel free to use free coupon SALE for 2 usd to spend on anything. Simply use it on checkout. Also until 1.03.25 Зимняя распродажа 30 процентов до весны на все в магазине, так же бесплатный промокод на 2 уе, просто введите SALE при покупке любого продукта.
I also have decided to do weekly raffle in discord in #giveaways for 5 usd gift card for Ark shop. All you need is to press the button to participate. good luck. Также начиная с сегодняшнего дня в разделе giveaways в дискорде будет проводиться еженедельный розыгрыш 5 уе промокода для арк магазина. Для участия вам надо просто нажать на кнопку в разделе. Удачи
Also may i remind all that there is a vip option that you can buy in the shop which will give you option to lvlup your dino, imprint your dino, instead of random gender to choose male or female and ask to paint your dino. All twice per month. All done manually upon request to admin. Plus VIP holders enjoy 10 per cent discount on all items in the shop