Dino Tracker Plugin:
/dt.reload - Reloads config
/track - Tracks your tamed dinos
/trackadmin - Tracks any tribe dinos for admins only
Simple Dino Stats Plugin:
Look at your dino and type /oracle on chat. Dino base stats will show on the chat.
Look at your dino and type /shazam chat. Dino will be renamed to the base stats. movement speed is left out
Suicide Plugin:
Suicide Command in chat: /suicide
"CanSuicideWhileKnockedOut": false
"CanSuicideWithHandCuffs": false
"CanSuicideWhilePickedUP": false
INGAME CHAT commands:
/kit starter Free starter kit
/help List of all available commands
/site Project site
/shop Project site with shop link
/vk VK Group
/farm SoloFarm Activation
/discord Discord link
SoloFarm Plugin:
While sitting on any dino (argy, Quetz, Crab etc.) you need to hold farming dino in claws.
Then type /farm in chat and it starts swinging.
To stop type /farm again. If you drop dino, it will also stop. For now works with (aberrant)ankylo, (aberrant)doedicurus, beaver, moll rat.
Show structures limit Plugin:
Command in chat: /showlimits showing how much is left until you reach a limit (currently 10500 structures)
New players PVE protection Plugin:
3 days of PVE protection for structures only for new players.
Command in chat: /pve shows how much PVE mode is left.
Command in chat: /pvecheck look at target structure to find out if its pve or not.
Command in chat: /pvp confirm going to pvp mode before 3 days period expires