Rules, Applies to all servers
1. Insults and unfounded accusations against the administration are prohibited. Repeated offenses will result in a ban. In particularly severe cases, we reserve the right to ban without warning.
1.1 In unclear situations Administration reserves the right to use its own discretion on settling issues.
2. Verified unprovoked insults against players on any grounds (political, racial, religious, etc.) and in tribe or player names are prohibited. Random trash talk is allowed. Repeat offenses will result in a ban.
3. Exploiting game bugs, using faulty textures, duping, cheating, or any third-party programs to gain an advantage in the game will result in a ban. 3.1 Avoiding rules, looking for loopholes is forbidden. If you are not sure if something is allowed or not, ASK ADMIN BEFORE comitting the action.
4. Players are prohibited from selling items, dinos, or services for real money.
5. Building in caves with artifacts or boss summoning terminals (Fjordur) is prohibited except Small tribes Cluster.
6. The entire tribe is responsible for the behavior of any tribe member.
7. All accusations of cheating must be accompanied by proof, such as videos or screenshots.
8. Multiple suspicions of cheating will trigger an admin investigation.
9. Items and dinos lost not due to server fault (e.g., Ark bugs) are not subject to compensation or return.
10. After two warnings, a ban will follow upon the third violation. (edited)
11. Raiding bases using insider information is prohibited.
12. Living, building, or raiding using meshing in any form, including damage through structures with mechs or Tuso, is prohibited.
13. Building up around someone else’s base is prohibited, except temp during a raid, for no more than 24 hours.
14. Raiding is limited to one fully raided main base per day, not including griefing or open-world PvP.
14.1 Building terminals, obelisks up with turrets is forbidden.
15. Holding players in cages, with handcuffs, or otherwise restricting their movement is limited to one hour per day.
16. General rule for base construction: a place is allowed for building if it can be accessed without using grappling hooks, ziplines, Pelagornis, and other dinos that require dismounting, narcotics, campfires, jars, chairs, sleeping bags, or Tek suit boosts.
16.1 The base must have a defined open entrance, outside of map textures. 16.2 The base must be accessible by walking or crouching.
17. Using pipes spam to hide a base or make raiding more difficult is prohibited.
18. During PvE mode, turrets must be placed only on your base.
18.1 During PvE mode, insider attacks or harming players in any way are prohibited.
18.2 Building (spamming) in multiple locations during PvE mode is prohibited.
19. The use of configs is discouraged but not prohibited due to the inability to track them.
20. Living under the protection of another tribe (inside another tribe's base, under their turrets, etc.) is prohibited.
21. Building up dinos or rafts during a raid to bypass defenses without being hit is prohibited.
22. Generic names and tribe names like 123, Human, Bob etc. (ingame names) - Forbidden. Names should have a meaning.
22.1 Новое - Снижение онлайна серверов посредством постоянных нападений и рейдов на новичков запрещено, найдите себе равных соперников. Возможен бан без предупреждений.
23. Occupying spots without building for more than 3 days is prohibited.
24. Building or leaving dinos near the obelisks is prohibited.
25. A maximum of 2 proper bases per tribe per map is allowed.
26. Oil and gas collectors must be open for everyone to use.
27. Lifting people into the air without their consent is prohibited.
Rules may be supplemented and changed.